Content Creation for Handmade Businesses

brand building content creation social media marketing Mar 27, 2024
Social Media Content Creation

Crafting engaging content for your social media platforms is crucial for craftpreneurs looking to expand their digital reach. For small, product-based businesses, the real challenge isn’t necessarily in crafting or sourcing products but in attracting consumers to purchase them. By fostering connections and engaging with potential customers on social media through content that strikes a chord with your audience, you can significantly enhance your ability to drive traffic and sales.

The essence of social media marketing for handmade businesses revolves around three core objectives: educate, entertain, and engage your viewers. Remember, the content you share should resonate with your specific audience, encouraging them to interact with your brand, and eventually, convert them into loyal customers.

Understanding the Importance of Content Creation

Content creation is not merely about posting regularly; it's about crafting a narrative that connects with your followers on a personal level. It's what helps you attract new followers, keep them engaged, and encourage them to support your business by making purchases. A well-thought-out content strategy can turn your social media platforms into bustling communities of like-minded individuals who share a passion for your creations.

Crafting Diverse Content: The Three E's Explained

A balanced content strategy should cater to the Three E's: Educate, Entertain, and Engage. Here’s how you can diversify your content within these categories:


  • DIY Guides: Share step-by-step guides or tutorials related to your product or industry. This could range from how to care for handmade jewelry to tips for upcycling vintage finds into new decor pieces.
  • Product Insights: Dive deep into the materials, processes, or stories behind your products. This educates your audience on the quality and uniqueness of your offerings.
  • Industry Trends: Discuss current trends or news within your niche, offering your insights or opinions. This positions you as a knowledgeable leader in your field.


  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Give your audience a glimpse into your daily routine, workspace, or the making process of your products. This humanizes your brand and makes your content relatable.
  • Creative Challenges: Engage your audience with fun challenges or prompts related to your niche. This could be a drawing challenge, a crafting project, or a photo contest.
  • Humorous Takes on Common Problems: Share light-hearted content that addresses common problems or frustrations in your industry with a humorous twist.


  • Polls and Questions: Use interactive tools like polls, questions, or quizzes to spark conversations with your audience. This not only engages them but also provides valuable feedback.
  • Customer Spotlights: Feature stories or testimonials from your customers, highlighting how they use or what they love about your products. This encourages others to share their experiences.
  • Live Q&A Sessions: Host live sessions where you answer questions, create on camera, offer advice, or simply chat with your followers. This direct interaction boosts engagement and strengthens your community.

Consistency is Key

Your content strategy should be a balanced mix of education, promotion, entertainment, and engagement. Remember, consistency is crucial. Regularly showing up for your audience helps keep your brand at the forefront of their minds. Creating or curating content doesn’t have to be daunting. By embracing the Three E's, you can ensure a steady stream of content that resonates with your audience, builds community, and promotes your brand.

Taught by leading e-commerce and handmade industry advisors, FlourishĀ does more than teach you how to sell online, it will teach you to build your handmade or vintage brand and scale yourĀ small business to reach a global audience.

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